Diamond Light Source
Beamline I13-2 - X-Ray Imaging

At 250 metres in length, I13 is one of Diamond’s longest beamlines. It comprises two branchlines which provide complementary X-ray imaging techniques.

The branchlines run simultaneously and independently of one another. They support a broad range of scientific users from fields such as biology, materials science, geology, medicine, archaeology and engineering.

Diamond Manchester Imaging Branchline (I13-2)

This branchline performs in-line phase contrast imaging and tomography over a large field of view in the 8-30keV energy range. The spatial resolution for this technique can extend a little beyond a micron. It will also be possible to switch the instrument to full-field microscopy with 50nm spatial resolution.

Beamline Energy Range
6 - 35 [eV]
Christoph Rau
  • Time-resolved studies
Emission or Reflection
  • Time-resolved studies
  • Medical application
  • X-ray holography
  • X-ray microscopy
  • X-ray tomography
  • Coherent scattering
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • GDA
Data Output Type
  • Images
Data Output Format
  • Tiff, hdf5