Synchrotron Infrared Source for Spectroscopy and Imaging - Materials Science branchline (SISSI-MAT)
The SISSI infrared beamline at Elettra extracts the IR and visible components of synchrotron emission for performing spectroscopy, microspectroscopy and imaging. The applications cover a wide range of research fields, including surface and material science, biochemistry, forensics, microanalysis, geosciences, cell biology, biomedical diagnostics, microfluidics, high-pressures, time resolved IR, conservation science, protein folding, chemical kinetics etc.
The SISSI-MAT branchline, operated by CNR-IOM, is equipped with a VERTEX 70v spectrometer coupled to a Hyperion-2000 infrared microscope for spectroscopy and spectromicroscopy measurements over a broad spectral range. In particular, the possibility to mount different detectors as well as beamsplitters allows exploiting a diffraction limited beam from the visible down to the terahertz. The branchline is also equipped with a cryostat and a diamond anvil cell, thus permitting to explore the behavior of matter at extreme conditions of temperature and pressure.