SISSI-Bio is the Chemical and Life Sciences branch of the infrared beamline SISSI (Synchrotron Infrared Source for Spectroscopy and Imaging) at Elettra, devoted to the investigation of chemical composition of bulk materials, surfaces and interfaces exploiting the vibrational pattern of molecular matter constituents. The laboratory is up-to-date with the latest equipment for Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) analysis and currently hosts three endstations: one for spectromicroscopy (SISSI-Bio spectromicroscopy endstation), one for nanospectroscopy (SISSI-Bio nanoscopy endstation), one for spectroscopy (SISSI-BOFF). The spectromicroscopy and nanoscopy endstations can alternatively be operated with both Infrared Synchrotron Radiation (IRSR) and IR benchtop sources, while SISSI-BOFF may be operated only with conventional sources, increasing the usage time of the setups beyond the infrared synchrotron radiation availability.
The majority of the SISSI-Bio users belongs to the life science community. In the most recent years, the experimental trend showed an increasing interest in ecology and environmental sciences, as well as in chemistry of innovative materials and biophysics. Moreover, in the very last calls for experiments, a substantially higher number of proposals in the cultural heritage and paleo-archaeological fields have been submitted by users, further widening the scientific topic’s portfolio.
A thorough description of the beamline layout can be found in the following article:
Performance of SISSI, the infrared beamline of the ELETTRA Storage-Ring
S. Lupi, A, Nucara, A. Perucchi, P. Calvani, M. Ortolani, L. Quaroni, M. Kiskinova
J. Opt. Soc. America B 24, 959 (2007)
A detailed description of the endstations and selected examples of fields of applications can be found in the following article: Chemical analyses at micro and nano scale at SISSI-Bio beamline at Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste
G. Birarda, D. E. Bedolla, F. Piccirilli, C. Stani, H. Vondracek, L. Vaccari
Proc. SPIE 11957, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy 2022: Advances in Research and Industry, 1195707
doi: 10.1117/12.2607751
The NanoInnovation Laboratory at Elettra provide support to SISSI-Bio users for biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology experiments.
For more details on laboratory and instrumentation, please refer to:
Access to the NanoInnovation Laboratory for SISSI-Bio users shall be planned at the time of proposal submission. Please, contact SISSI-Bio staff for more details before proposal submission.
The Structural Biology Laboratory at Elettra provide support to SISSI-Bio users for biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology experiments.
For more details on laboratory and instrumentation, please refer to:
Access to the
Structural Biology Laboratory for SISSI-Bio users shall be planned at the time of proposal submission. Please, contact SISSI-Bio staff for more details before proposal submission.