The Circular Polarization beamline (CiPo) is primarely characterized by its capability of providing a synchrotron radiation beam of variable polarization (Circular to Linear) in a very broad range of photon energies, 5 to 900 eV. The photon beam is produced by an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler and is dispersed by means of two collinear monochromators, a Normal Incidence Monochromator (NIM) and a Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM), that alternatively provide two beams in the UV-VUV (5 - 40 eV) and soft X-rays (40 - 900 eV) respectively. The availability of such a wide photon energy spectrum, together with the polarization selection makes the CiPo beamline extremely flexible for the experimental activity.