SPEEM (Spin resolved Photoemission Microscope) - UE49_PGM SPEEM Beamline

UE49 SPEEM Beamline

The UE49-PGMa beam line hosts a dedicated photo-electron emission microscope (PEEM) devoted to element-selective and magnetic-sensitive space resolved investigations. For a detailed description of the PEEM as well as for an overview of the experimental possibilities of our microscope, please visit the following link XPEEM.

At typical working conditions of the microscope the field of view is about 3 –10 µm. Therefore the highest possible photon flux within the field of view of the microscope is necessary in order to achieve high spatial resolution and maximize the collection efficiency. 

The UE49 PGMa beam line allows full polarization control of the incoming beam-delivering light of circular, elliptical and horizontal polarization- in combination with a high transmittance and a careful refocusing of the photon beam. A dedicated elliptical refocusing mirror has been designed to achieving a foot print of the incoming x-ray beam on the sample of 10 μm (vertical) X 20 μm (Horizontal).

The spectral range covered extends from 80 to 1800 eV, with a spectral resolution of 10000 at 700 eV. The photon flux delivered into the focused spot ranges from 10e-11 to 10e-13 ph/s/100 mA.

Beam line layout

Beam line layout

Photon flux and resolution for Circ. Pol. light

Photon flux and resolution for Circ. Pol. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Hor. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Hor. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Ver. light

Photon flux and resolution for Lin. Ver. light


Spin resolved Photoemission Microscope Station

Magnetic nanostructures are at the heart of modern data storage technology. Typical dimensions of magnetic bits are in the sub-100nm region. In addition novel magnetoelectronics devices such as magnetic random access memory junctions are operated on the sub-100nm m scale. An understanding magnetic properties of such low-dimensional structures is only accessible to spectro-microscopy tools capable of appropriate lateral resolution. This goal is achieved by combining a novel spin-resolved photoemission microscope (SPEEM) with a dedicated microfocus PGM beamline with full x-ray polarization control (UE49-PGMa).

The synergy between the microscopy capabilities of the PEEM and the polarization control of synchrotron radiation makes of X-PEEM the ideal tool for space resolved and element selective investigation of nanostructures by means of chemical maps (XAS) and  magnetic imaging (XMCD and XLD).

For a detailed description of the experimental station as well as for an overview of the experimental possibilities of our microscope, please visit the following link XPEEM to get more information about sample holders and sample environment, possibilities for in-situ sample preparation and time-resolved experiments.

Beamline Energy Range
100 - 1800 [eV]
Dr. Florian Kronast
Dr. Sergio Valencia Molina
  • Time-resolved studies
  • XMCD
  • Photoemission EM
  • X-ray microscopy
Photoelectron emission
  • Spin-resolved ARPES
  • Time-resolved studies
  • XPS
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • tbc
Data Output Type
  • tbc
Data Output Format
  • tbc