One-Cubed ARPES (1^3-ARPES ultra high resolution photoemission station) - UE112_PGM beamline

UE112_PGM-2b-1^3 Beamline

This low energy beamline serves the permanent stations for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, 13 and 12 ARPES. It is designed to deliver a high flux of photons with very high energy resolution in the range from 5 to 250 eV. In addition to its normal operation with grazing incidence angles, the monochromator also offers a normal indcidence option to retain flux and polarization at the lowest energies.

The monochromated beam branches into two lines to serve the 12 (left) and 13 (right) setups. The latter has a focus of 250 µm.

For more details and current status contact the beamline manager.


Flux and bandwidth with various gratings

Flux and bandwidth with various gratings


ARPES One-Cube

1^3-ARPES ultra high resolution photoemission station

This experiment is built in a collaborative effort by the IFW Dresden, TU Dresden and the HZB, to enable experiments that require the highest energy resolution at ultimately low sample temperatures. To achieve this goal, all contributions to experimental broadening ---the resolution of both the excitation source and the electron energy analyzer as well as the sample temperature--- have been reduced to ≤1 meV or their equivalent, yielding the name of the station: 1 meV x 1 meV x 1 K = 13.

Inside One-Cubed ARPES

Inside One-Cubed ARPES

Beamline Energy Range
4 - 200 [eV]
Dr. Emile Rienks
Photoelectron emission
  • Angular Resolved PES
  • UPS
  • XPS
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • tbc
Data Output Type
  • tbc
Data Output Format
  • tbc