CoESCA - UE52_PGM (COincidence Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis)

Beamline - Soft X-ray undulator radiation variable polarization with PGM and resonant bunch excitation for CoES

Variable polarization undulator beamline with plane-grating monochromator feeding the Coincidence ESCA Experiment and the nano Cluster Trap

UE52-PMG beamline

UE52-PMG beamline

Station - Coincidence Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis at UE52-PGM

The COincidence Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis station is at a plane grating monochromator beamline with a UE-52 undulator. The beamline offers photons in linear polarisation from 110-1900 eV and in elliptical polarisation from 110-1390 eV and can be switched in “one-click” between mutli-bunch and the quasi single bunch PPRE mode (PPRE: pulse-picking by resonant excitation).

The CoESCA station is equipped with two Angle-Resolved Time-Of-Flight spectrometers, one ArTOF 10k prototype with an angular acceptance of 30° and one ArTOF2-EW with a wider angular acceptance of 56°. Thus both spectrometers measure the 3D angular resolved electron distributions. Further they can be operated either independently or in coincidence mode.  The data is saved shot-to-shot for both spectrometers and hence the time evolution of the data can be investigated in post-processing on slow time scales from minutes to hours. The ArTOFs’ high information rate makes studies of radiation sensitive samples at very low photon flux feasible even in a reasonable acquisition time.

The main experimental chamber features a 5-axis sample manipulator, with the possibility to cool or heat the sample (T = 30-1200 K), put up a bias voltage and measure the sample current for basic absorption measurements. The end-station is equipped with sample loading, storing and preparation facilities. The preparation chamber is equipped with a sample heating stage (up to 800°C), a quartz balance, a mass spectrometer and free ports for mounting user provided equipment (e.g. evaporators). Furthermore, the transfer system is ready for additional, users-provided preparation chambers.


CoESCA end-station layout

CoESCA end-station layout

Beamline Energy Range
115 - 1600 [eV]
Max Flux On Sample
1 * 1012 [ph/s]
Spot Size On Sample Hor
100 [um]
Spot Size On Sample Vert
30 [um]
Divergence Hor
0.8 [mrad]
Divergence Vert
0.2 [mrad]
Dr. Danilo Kühn
  • XMCD
Ion Spectroscopy
  • Mass spectrometry
Photoelectron emission
  • Angular Resolved PES
  • XPS
  • Atoms, molecules, clusters and gas-phase chemistry
  • Catalysis
  • Electrochemistry
  • Green Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Sustainable energy systems
Information & Communication Technologies
  • Other - ICT
Material Sciences
  • Other - Material Sciences
  • Nanophysics & physics of confined matter
  • Quantum electronics & optics
  • Surfaces, interfaces and thin films
control/Data analysis
Control Software Type
  • tbc
Data Output Type
  • tbc
Data Output Format
  • tbc